The Ants (and other bugs) Come Marching In

Ants, wasps and other bugs are a part of life no matter where you live. Every year, these pests like to invade my yard, and sometimes my house. I have taken to spreading Diatomaceous Earth around the perimeter of my house to help decrease their numbers entering my house. This helps, but they are pesky and I still have to deal with them each year.

This year I am dealing with a bug invasion of my own making. Having seen some photos of fused glass garden bugs, I decided to make some of my own. Using the same technique that I did last year to make a centipede for my garden (see June 7, 2019), I created some more.

In order to conserve expenses, I sorted through my scrap glass and found pieces that would work for each bug. The glass pieces were then fused following full fuse and contour fuse schedules.

The copper exoskeletons were made from scrap copper sheet, pipe pounded flat and wire soldered together.

The glass was then adhered to the copper exoskeleton using E6000 adhesive

I now have some fun bugs in my garden. And, these bugs won’t find their way into my house!

3 thoughts on “The Ants (and other bugs) Come Marching In

  1. Pingback: Small Shibori Quilt – Erickson's Heirlooms

  2. Pingback: Extraordinary Bread – Garden Focaccia – Erickson's Heirlooms

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